How far along? 28 weeks
Baby Baker is the size of: Chinese Cabbage (16 inches long and 2.9lb)
Food I want in my belly: My new invention...strawberry with a piece of Hershey's chocolate...taste like a chocolate covered strawberry...yum! Pregnancy makes you very creative...with food that is!
Food I want nowhere near me: Nothing new…
Baby Prep to Do: Do some more shopping for the nursery
Highlight of the week: We have entered the 3rd Trimester!
Exercise regimen: Crossfit x 5 + extra walking and rowing
Maternity Clothes: Mostly all maternity.
Baby Gender: A sweet baby girl
Pregnancy Symptoms: Experienced the Trifecta of Pregnancy Symptoms…Leg Cramps, Heart Burn, and INSOMNIA…Luckily it wasn’t every night this week.
Item(s) I could not live without: Ice in all my drinks…colder the better.
Anything else worth mentioning? I have definitely felt lots of changes this week…starting to get tired more often again like the 1st trimester. Also just an overall uncomfortable feeling more throughout the day…wasn’t until after I noticed these changes that I realized I had moved into the 3rd trimester.
Hang in there Sunshine! Whitley will be driving before you know it! BTW You look GREAT!