Monday, April 2, 2012

25 Weeks...Length of a Football!

How far along? 25 weeks...time is flying by!!
Baby Baker is the size of: Rutabaga Football (13.5 inches long and 1.5 lb).
Food I want in my belly: Potbelly Sandwich w/ Zapps Cajun Chips
Food I want nowhere near me: Nothing new…
Baby Prep to Do: This week was so productive. Picked out fabrics for the bedding…so excited with how it is going to turn out (THANKS AMIE)!!! We also purchased the dresser and glider for the nursery.  The dresser should arrive next Saturday but the glider will take 8-10 weeks…eek! I think we did so much this week we might just take a break from the to do list for the week.
Highlight of the week: I had my 24 week check up this past week. This appointment included the dreadful gestational diabetes test but I passed with flying colors with a fasting sugar of 80. Now this doesn’t give me the green light to go on a sugar craze but I can at least keep my diet the same.
Exercise regimen: Crossfit x 5
Maternity Clothes:  Wearing some of my regular shirts and comfy pants but mostly maternity. Workout clothes are getting to be a little tight so I bought some more shorts this week. Need longer tank tops to wear now that it is getting warmer.
Baby Gender: A sweet baby girl
Pregnancy Symptoms: I am waking up in the middle of the night with sore hips because of all the side sleeping…I have to try and stay on one side or the other because you are not supposed to sleep on your back after a certain point in pregnancy. I read where hormones are loosening up the ligaments and joints in my hips so this could be the culprit. A friend suggested I buy a cushioned mattress pad so I plan to shop for one this week.
Item(s) I could not live without: Such supportive friends and family.
Anything else worth mentioning? Made another trip to Canton…this time I found some cute wall decor for the room and lots of headbands and bows…and jalapeño ranch popcorn!!

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