Tuesday, July 17, 2012

40+ weeks...are we there yet??

How far along? 40+ weeks
Baby Baker is the size of: Baby Baker weighs 8lbs and is about 20.5 inches long
Food I want in my belly: Fruit and sandwiches
Food I want nowhere near me: Nothing new…
Baby Prep to Do: Relax and try to be patient these last few days….weeks…
Highlight of the week: Getting close to finishing up at work. Looking forward to some time off to take care of my sweet baby girl.
****Tim’s highlight of the week…watching me gallop as he told me he saw a you tube video where women were galloping to induce labor…the verdict is still out with whether he really saw this or just wanted to see a 40 week old pregnant woman gallop down the street.
Exercise regimen: Lots and lots of walking!!
Maternity Clothes:  Maternity…yep!
Baby Gender: A sweet baby girl
Pregnancy Symptoms: Easily exhausted these days.
Item(s) I could not live without: My husband
Anything else worth mentioning?  Still at zero centimeters…if we push to induce this week it could very likely end up in a c-section so our doctor recommended we hold off until next week. After shedding some tears about having to wait, I reminded myself I have a happy, healthy baby inside so why not wait it out a little longer. We are hoping to be able to hold her in our arms by mid-next week.

Monday, July 9, 2012

39 Weeks...and counting.

How far along? 39 weeks
Baby Baker is the size of: A small watermelon (estimated at 20 inches long and 7.5lbs)
Food I want in my belly: Fruit…watermelon, pineapple, peaches, strawberries and grapes
Food I want nowhere near me: Nothing new…
Baby Prep to Do: Relax
Highlight of the week: Went to the movies 5 times over the last week…saw Magic Mike, Ted, Magic Mike…again…don’t ask, Savages and Spiderman. Everyone says get as many movies in as possible and that is just what I am doing.
Exercise regimen: I exercised 7 days this week…lots of walking.
Maternity Clothes:  Maternity…yep!
Baby Gender: A sweet baby girl
Pregnancy Symptoms: Restless nights and extreme heartburn…ugh!
Item(s) I could not live without: Friends and family.
Anything else worth mentioning?  Still at zero centimeters…based on her expected size at 40 weeks, looks like I will be induced by the end of next week. Yay!

Monday, July 2, 2012

38 Weeks...Happy Independence Day!

How far along? 38 weeks
Baby Baker is the size of: Pumpkin (19.75 inches long and 6.8lbs)
Food I want in my belly: Grilled Cheese
Food I want nowhere near me: Nothing new…
Baby Prep to Do: Dilate…ha!
Highlight of the week: I got an iPad!! Whitley cannot wait to Face Time with her cousins and grandparents.
Exercise regimen: Crossfit x 3 days…well or should I say I did some exercises at a crossfit gym.
Maternity Clothes:  Maternity…yep!
Baby Gender: A sweet baby girl
Pregnancy Symptoms: Restless nights
Item(s) I could not live without: Anything distracting…feeling pretty anxious these days…but in a good way.
Anything else worth mentioning?  These last few weeks are dragging by…I know everyone says to just enjoy this time but we are just so ready to meet our baby girl!