I know I say it every update but I CANNOT believe Whitley is already 8 months! Quickly turning from a baby into a pre-toddler right before our very eyes....make sure you check out the update to the update below!!
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Someone with baby fingers decided to add their own touch to the chalkboard. |
We rarely get together for a family photo so I plan to make more of an effort to not care if I look like I havent slept and have baby spit up stains on my shirt, we MUST document more pics as a family. Special thanks to our CF7 buddy Andrea Kirk for snapping this photo.
Whitley is up to all kind of new tricks. She loves to play patty cake and peek-a-boo. It cracks us up because for about 2 weeks, Whitley would clap her hands together everytime daddy would walk in the room...and speaking of dada...that was her first word but she now says mama too!
Whitley also enjoys disassembling and pretty much destroying all her toys. Here she is after she flattened her little universe mobile...looks like we have a Whit-zilla on our hands.
We also went to the park with Nana and Granddaddy and got to swing for the first time. She loved it...mama also decided to make a fool of herself by sliding down the slide. Such a fun day!
With all this fun, we decided to put Whitley to work. First, it was to fold some laundry but as you can see from her reaction, she wasn't a fan of this task. Whitley also tried her hands at being a tele-nurse but quickly decided she was much better suited for going on a relaxing walk.
Speaking of working hard...Whitley has been really trying hard to crawl around. She seems to be able to go a few steps...or crawls(?) but quickly loses interest and gives up. It is amazing how she still seems to be able to go where she wants by stretching and scooting.
As you can see below, she continues to find herself in sticky situations...help, Kate!
After a close call with the entertainment center, she finally said forget this crawling and started driving. Beep Beep!
Her most recent fun trick is she is starting to pull herself up on her toys and furniture...time to lower the crib dada!!
In other news, Whitley continues to be a good traveler. We recently went on an 8 hour trip to visit Nana and Granddaddy. We got lots of laughs from the other patrons when daddy let her stretch her legs in the back of the truck at a gas station along our way.
We finished off the month with celebrating mommy's...ahem...33rd birthday. Other than Meme making her wear silly birthday hats, we had alot of fun celebrating.
Alright, I couldn't help myself...can you handle the cuteness?!?!?!
As another update comes to an end, I must say we are very much looking forward to celebrating our 1st Easter together with Whitley this weekend. Check out her face when I told her about the Easter Bunny! Chocolate bunnies, oh my!
I had already written the blog earlier today and just needed to do the chalkboard and take the photo. Well while I was drawing on the chalkboard, I guess Whitley decided she wanted the chalk bad enough to crawl across the floor for it. I kept moving her back further and getting her to crawl to the chalk over and over...there is no stopping her now. It is crazy how it just clicked all of a sudden...needless to say it was a little more difficult to take the blog pic of a baby who just learned to crawl. We luckily got one shot where she is looking straight at the camera, but forget worrying about capturing a smile now. Here are some of our bloopers.